Lisa Jane
Lisa Jane is from Newfoundland and Labrador. She is of settler and Inuit heritage. Her Inuit community is NunatuKavut in Southern Labrador. She flung herself into the Ottawa comedy scene on August 7, 2018 during the Mike MacDonald Comedy contest with some of Ottawa’s finest. Lisa likes to start at the finish line. She is currently working for the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) from her home in St. John’s. Like a fart in the wind, Lisa Jane likes to blow hot air all across unceded territory from coast to roast to coast.
“It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta ghoul it. Check out SCREAMER CLEANERS - a low-budget horror short written, shot and edited in only 48hrs as part of the Nickel Independent Film Festival's 2021 challenge!” -