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Laughter Is Good Medicine
Dec 30, 2024
Got Land? Comedy: Raising the Profile of Indigenous Comedy
By Danielle Vienneau
Q&A With Janelle Niles, Creator of the All-Indigenous Got Land? Comedy Show
Janelle Niles wants everyone to know that Indigenous comedy is here to stay. Niles is a Black, Mi’kmaw, two-spirited comedian, and the founder of Got Land? — a community and platform for Indigenous comics, the first of its kind in Canada.
Niles launched Got Land? in 2019, and many Indigenous comedians have joined her since, performing across Canada. With bold and fresh comedic voices, the group has made waves with humour that unflinchingly confronts real issues Indigenous people face, from stolen land to a lack of clean water to stereotypes and racism. - Annemarie Cutruzzola October 2, 2023 -
CBC North - Arctic Comedy Festival 2022
Some of Canada's finest comics and shows visit Yellowknife Oct. 3-5 and Iqaluit Oct. 6-9 where there'll also be some great opportunities to see local talent.
10 Native American Comedians You Should Know
“Native American comedians are on the rise. They're on TV, on the radio, in movies, in books, in magazines, on social media—you name it.
It's a special gift to pull off being witty and funny, bringing joy and laughter to an audience. Crafting parody and satire in just the right way to make people crack up without getting too offended is an art form, indeed.
The following ten comedians all possess that skill. They have each made their mark in the world of comedy in their own way. And they are all Native American and proud of it. “ - ( Powows.com, July 12, 2021) -
'The best medicine': 10 Indigenous comedians on how they use humour for healing
“A round-table discussion on COVID memes, Zoom stand-up nights and using humour to cope with trauma” - (CBC arts, June 30th, 2021)
How Indigenous People Got Their Very Own Comedy Night
“Janelle Niles started the comedy show Got Land? to help bring more Indigenous voices to the big stage.” - (Readers Digest Oct 9th, 2020)
Carleton Indigenous comedy night flips tokenism on its head
“Am I the only one that thinks it’s kind of f**- up that they sat all the Indigenous people at the table that says ‘reserved’?” - Chris Lapointe (Carlatan, Jan 26th, 2020)
Indigenous comedians chip away at colonialism
“Amid a legacy of trauma, comedy was used as a "tool for survival" — and is now a platform for education” - (Broadview, Jan 13th, 2020)
Got Land? provides lively start to Crack Up Comedy Festival 2023
“The laughs didn't stop Thursday night with comedian and producer Janelle Niles warming up the stage at the Algonquin Commons Theatre for the Got Land? Comedy show.” -Kerry Slack