Nicole Nutaushuk Etitiq
Inuk - Iqaluit, Nunavut
Nicole is an Inuk stand-up comedian from Iqaluit, Nunavut. Nicole was featured on and hosted the Arctic Comedy Festival for 3 years in a row. She is known for bringing positive energy and laughter as an MC for youth events and music festivals. In 2022, she has brought that special energy touring multiple venues in Ontario with Crack-Up Comedy festival. She has been showcased in Toronto for Just for Laughs and headlined an all-Indigenous women show in Vancouver with Indig-E-Girl comedy. Nicole will grace the stage in Ottawa Ontario at the Crackup Comedy Festival with Got Land? March 2023. Described as a crowd favorite you will want to catch this show!

7th Edition of Youth Fusion’s Pigunnaniq Festival - 7e édition du Festival Pigunnaniq
“ The 7th edition of Youth Fusion’s Pigunnaniq Festival in Nunavik, which took place December 5-8 in Kuujjuarapik. Featuring talented young performers from 5 different Nunavik communities, and special guest performers Aasiva, Nicole Etitiq, Willis Tagoona, and Mark Adams. This film was made by 2 students from Jaanimmarik School in Kuujjuaq, along with their Youth Fusion coordinator. Enjoy!
La 7e édition du Festival Pigunnaniq de Fusion Jeunesse au Nunavik, qui a eu lieu du 5 au 8 décembre 2019 à Kuujjuarapik, a rassemblé des jeunes artistes talentueux de 5 différentes communautés au Nunavik, et des invités spéciaux tels que Aasiva, Nicole Etitiq, Willis Tagoona et Mark Adams. Ce vidéo a été réalisé par deux étudiants de l'école Jaanimmarik à Kuujjuaq, avec le support de leur coordonnatrice Fusion Jeunesse. Bon visionnement! “ - YOUTH FUSION JEUNESSE